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Hugging Your Cat

June 1 2024

There’s a pretty important kitty holiday around the corner. Hug Your Cat Day takes place on June 4th. One thing we can say about our feline companions: they are quite affectionate. At least some of them are. Others? Not so much. Continue reading as a local McHenry, IL vet explains hugging Fluffy.

Do Cats Enjoy Being Cuddled?

Many of our feline buddies really enjoy it when their people pet and snuggle them. Fluffy is also the ideal size to snuggle up on our laps!

Kitties may get a reputation for being cold and aloof, but they are really very emotional creatures. At the end of the day, all they want is to be patted and held and to feel loved and protected. In fact, research reveals that our feline friends regard us as second parents. Kittens, in particular, very much need to feel safe, comfortable, and cherished.

What Happens If My Cat Doesn’t Like Hugs?

Some of our feline buddies are, well, rather aloof. That doesn’t mean Fluffy doesn’t love you; she may simply prefer to express her affection by hanging out with you, following you around, or, well, ignoring you. That’s just fine. There are more things you may do to get that little motor working.

To refresh your memory, here are some of Fluffy’s favorite things:

Catnip: Unsurprisingly, Fluffy’s favorite plant is at the top of the list. Keep in mind that not all cats are sensitive to it. If your feline pal doesn’t appear to like it, consider getting her honeysuckle cat toys. Honeysuckle appears to be appealing to cats who dislike catnip. Just make sure you only use cat toys that were specifically designed for them.

Boxes: Fortunately, our feline overlords are relatively easy to please. Give your pet an empty box and instruct her to keep out of it.

New toys: Fluffy has mental and physical benefits from playing. It’s critical for your tiny furball to stay fit. Timing those surprise pounces also offers significant mental stimulation.

Beds: Did you know cats can sleep up to 20 hours a day? Purchasing or creating Fluffy a new bed is guaranteed to elicit a purr.

Furniture: Our feline friends benefit greatly from having items built specifically for them. A cat tower is an excellent choice, but your cat may also enjoy a kitty tunnel, window seat, or anything else she may look cute resting on.

Conversation: Hugs and caressing Fluffy are not the only ways to make her feel cherished. Just talk with her. Kittens make excellent confidantes. The sound of your voice will also help your pet feel safe and loved.

Treats: Although our feline friends can be picky, most of them have a favorite food. Just stick to healthy selections. Ask your vet for tips on this.

Of course, visiting our pet clinic on a frequent basis is essential for keeping your adorable pet happy and healthy. If your kitty is overdue, contact us at your McHenry, IL veterinary clinic to make an appointment for her.

Is It Okay to Hug Cats?

In general, sure, but there are a few things to remember. The golden rule in this case is to never hug or hold a kitty who does not want to be touched. This isn’t going to win her over; it’s more likely to leave you scratched. Fluffy’s trust must be won. That might take time.

What Are The Most Cuddly Cat Breeds?

breed does not play as significant an influence in Fluffy’s physiology as it does in dogs. However, it can certainly play a role. And, while each kitty is distinct, a few breeds are known for being little love bugs.

Here are the kitties that often love being cuddled and held:

  • Ragdoll
  • Maine Coon
  • Scottish Fold
  • Siamese
  • Persian
  • Burmese
  • Birman
  • Sphynx
  • Bombay
  • Abyssinian
  • Tonkinese
  • Russian Blue
  • American Shorthair
  • Ragamuffin
  • Siberian
  • Devon Rex
  • Cornish Rex
  • Chartreux
  • Himalayan

How Do I Get My Cat To Hug Me?

It all boils down to loving and caring for Fluffy. There are no shortcuts available. Simply talk to her, pet her, and pay attention to her. Just don’t try to force it. You can’t hurry love!

Why Do Some Cats Dislike Being Hugged?

Kitties all have different tastes. It’s possible that your furball’s history is to blame. If she was not socialized as a kitten and spent time as a stray, she may be distrustful. Some cats will only snuggle with people on their own terms. That means Fluffy may entirely ignore you when you’re watching TV, only to demand attention while you’re doing something else. In some cases, a cat’s discomfort with physical touch might be related to a medical condition like Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome.

Plus, sometimes cats just warm up gradually. It’s always amazing when an aloof, nervous feline crawls into your lap for the first time!

How Do You Properly Hug A Cat?

Picking Fluffy up may not sound complicated, but there are a few things to keep in mind. It is critical to provide enough care for your pet. Her weight should be distributed on her hind legs. She may opt to place her front paws on your arm or shoulders, which is OK. The most important thing is never to hold her by the tummy. That can actually lead to internal damage. In addition, it is simply uncomfortable. You probably don’t want to be pulled up by the stomach, either!

Last but not least, always allow your pet to leave as soon as she reaches her limit. This is essential for developing trust. If you try to hold Fluffy after she’s decided she’s done, she may get scared and defensive.

What Are the Benefits of Hugging Cats?

It turns out that snuggling with your kitty companion is beneficial to both of you. Our feline friends may receive a lot of criticism for being cold and aloof, but this is not fair. Some people would rather be caressed and pampered all the time. Paying attention to Fluffy, patting and hugging her, can help to strengthen the particular relationship of love and trust we share with our feline friends.

Hugging cats can actually be a really amazing experience. When you and your pet snuggle, you both release a particular hormone. When moms and babies snuggle, they release the hormone oxytocin.

Then there is Fluffy’s purr. As it turns out, that unique rumble has some intriguing characteristics. Cats purr at specific frequencies, often ranging from 25 to 140 Hertz. Those same frequencies have been demonstrated to promote healing and bone formation. They’re even employed in physical therapy!

And, as you may already be aware, snuggling with a purring cat is extremely relaxing. That’s something we can all appreciate!

Cats in Need of Hugs

Finally, we believe that all kittens deserve hugs and affection. Unfortunately, many cats are stuck in shelters, hoping that someone will adopt them, take them home, and adore them. Given that June is also Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, now is an excellent time to contribute. This could include donating, dropping off supplies, fostering, volunteering, or simply raising awareness. Of course, adopting a feline in need of love would be the perfect way to commemorate this ‘pawspicious’ occasion.

Make An Appointment At Our McHenry, IL Animal Clinic

Has it been a while since your kitty companion came in? Have you recently adopted a new cat? Please contact us, your McHenry, IL pet clinic, today for all your veterinary services needs. We are always pleased to assist!