September is Happy, Healthy Cat Month! While we think our feline pals deserve to be happy and healthy all the time, this is the purrfect chance to talk about how to keep these quirky little furballs content. Read on as a McHenry, IL vet lists some adorable ways to keep Fluffy’s motor going.
First things first: make sure Fluffy always has good food, fresh water, and a clean litterbox. Veterinary care is also very important!
Kitties are hunters by nature, and they love to pounce and jump on things. Take time to play with Fluffy regularly, so she can unleash her inner huntress. This will also benefit your cat both mentally and physically. (Plus, it’s super cute to watch.)
Cardboard Boxes
One of Fluffy’s cutest quirks is her obsession with boxes. Offer your kitty new cardboard boxes from time to time. If you really want to go all-out, make her a box castle.
Window Seats
Birdwatching is one of Fluffy’s favorite pastimes. Make your pet a little window seat, so she can relax and watch local wildlife.
Our feline buddies are very tired, for some reason. Fluffy spends the vast majority of her time snoozing. Offer your drowsy pet lots of comfy beds to choose from.
As mentioned above, playing with your cat is great for her. However, you probably can’t spend all your time holding a laser pointer or dangling that feather toy. Make sure Fluffy has lots of toys she can use by herself when you’re out.
Cats are very curious by nature. (Actually, that’s an understatement: most of them are flat-out nosy.) Give your kitty pieces of furniture to explore and lounge around on. Cat towers are great, but Fluffy may also appreciate pet tents or tunnels. Move things around regularly to keep things fun and fresh for her. A scratching post is also a must.
Kitties are absolutely adorable when they’re feeling the effects of catnip. Consider growing small pots on your windowsill. If Fluffy doesn’t care for catnip, offer her honeysuckle toys instead.
Last but not least, pay lots of attention to Fluffy. Talk to her, pet her, and just spend time with her. There’s something a little magical about purring cats!
Please contact us, your McHenry, IL vet clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!