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Puppy Training Tips

November 1 2015

Puppy training is an essential aspect of welcoming a new pet into your home. Effective training not only ensures that your puppy grows up to be well-mannered and socially adept but also fosters a strong bond between you and your pet. Starting early is crucial, as puppies are most receptive to learning between the ages of 8 to 12 weeks. Utilizing positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, proves to be the most effective method for teaching desired behaviors and commands. Consistency is key—setting a regular schedule for training sessions can significantly enhance your puppy’s learning process. Additionally, patience and understanding are vital, as every puppy learns at its own pace. In this article, we’ll explore practical puppy training tips that help streamline the training process, ensuring your puppy grows into a confident and obedient dog.

Have you recently adopted a puppy? Congratulations on your new furbaby! If you’re still considering whether to bring a puppy into your home, you might find our article on “Is It Better to Adopt or Buy a Dog?” helpful. For those who have already welcomed a new puppy, it’s important to know that your puppy’s first year is a very crucial time. Fido will form many of his personality traits and opinions about the world when he’s little. Giving your furry pal proper training while he’s young is a crucial part of helping him grow into a friendly, well-behaved adult. In this article, a McHenry, IL vet offers some puppy training tips.

First Things First

Before teaching Fido fun tricks, make sure he knows the basics of good doggy obedience. These five commands are Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. You can start teaching your pup these commands while working on housebreaking and crate training, but make sure he has mastered these before moving on to anything else.

Be Consistent

When addressing behavioral issues, always be consistent. Don’t let your furry pal get away with begging one day, and then reprimand him for it the next. Also, when giving your pup vocal commands, use the same phrases each time.

Keep Classes Short

To effectively engage in puppy training, keep sessions with your young dog brief. Aim to work with Fido for about 15-20 minutes at a time, once or twice a day, as longer classes may lead to boredom and reduced attention.

One Thing At A Time

Make sure your little buddy has each command down before moving on to the next one. Trying to learn too many things at once can confuse your puppy!

Use Positive Reinforcement

Punishment doesn’t work well with Man’s Best Friend, and can often backfire. Instead, keep things positive, and reward little Fido with praise and treats for doing well.


Treats are effective for puppy training, but it’s vital to avoid giving your puppy too many fatty snacks. Opt for smaller, healthier options such as cut-up bits of hot dogs or pieces of kibble to maintain balance and encourage good behavior.

Keep Things Happy

Don’t work with your dog when you are feeling stressed, or are having a bad day. Our canine friends are very perceptive, and it won’t take long for little Fido to pick up your mood. This can cause your furry pal to form a negative association with training.


Consistency, patience, and repetition are fundamental to effective puppy training. Don’t expect your furry buddy to master commands instantly. Allow ample time for him to learn and adapt.

Comprehensive Puppy Training Schedule: Essential 2024 Guide for New Owners

What is a comprehensive puppy training schedule by age?

A comprehensive puppy training schedule involves focusing on basic commands like ‘Sit’, ‘Stay’, ‘Come’, ‘Heel’, and ‘Lay Down’ starting as early as when housebreaking begins. These should be mastered one at a time, using consistent phrases and short, positive training sessions of 15-20 minutes, once or twice daily. As the puppy grows, gradually incorporate more advanced skills and socialization practices. It’s vital to ensure the training atmosphere is positive, using treats for reinforcement without overindulgence, and adjusting techniques according to the puppy’s developmental stages and learning pace.

How and when should I socialize my puppy?

Socializing your puppy is vital and should start early, ideally after they begin receiving their vaccinations. Introduce your puppy to various environments, people, and other animals gradually to foster adaptability and reduce fearfulness. Aim for positive interactions in controlled settings during this sensitive phase, which lasts until about 16 weeks of age. Consistency and positive reinforcement during these experiences help develop a well-rounded adult dog. Always monitor their comfort level, ensuring that socialization remains a positive experience.

Are puppy training classes worth it?

Puppy training classes offer significant benefits, particularly during the formative first year when many behavioral foundations are laid. These classes teach basic obedience commands like Sit, Stay, and Come, which are fundamental for good behavior. Training in a consistent, structured environment helps puppies learn effectively and avoid confusion. Positive reinforcement techniques used in these classes, such as treats and praise, encourage good behavior without the drawbacks associated with punishment. Moreover, early socialization with other dogs and people in classes can lead to a well-adjusted, sociable adult dog. Therefore, investing in puppy training classes is highly beneficial.

How do I teach my puppy to walk on a leash?

To teach a puppy to walk on a leash, start by introducing them to the leash and collar in a familiar, calm environment. Allow them to get comfortable wearing them by offering treats and positive reinforcement. Begin with short, guided walks inside or in a quiet area. Use treats and gentle guidance to encourage the puppy to stay by your side, avoiding pulling or tugging. Gradually increase the length and complexity of walks as your puppy becomes more accustomed to the leash, always maintaining a positive and patient approach to reinforce good behavior.

What commands should I teach my puppy beyond the basics?

After mastering the basic commands like Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down, it’s beneficial to expand your puppy’s training to include more complex instructions that enhance both mental stimulation and practical skills. Teaching commands such as Drop It, Leave It, and Fetch can be very useful for managing your puppy’s behavior in various situations. Additionally, introducing commands that improve social interaction, like Greet (to meet people politely) and Quiet (to stop barking), will further aid in developing a well-rounded, obedient dog.

Does little Fido need shots, microchipping, or an examination? We can help! Our vet wellness and pet vaccinations services are designed to give your puppy the best start in life. Regular check-ups and vaccinations are crucial for your puppy’s health and development, complementing your training efforts for a well-rounded, happy pet. Please contact us, your local McHenry, IL vet clinic, for all your puppy’s veterinary care needs.