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Signs Of Arthritis In Cats

February 28 2022

Cats can be prone to developing arthritis as they age, just like people. This painful condition develops when the ligaments and tendons that cushion and connect Fluffy’s bones get worn out. Over time, they can get thin and lose elasticity, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. While arthritis isn’t curable, it can be managed. If the issue is caught and addressed early, treatments may be more successful.

Here are some signs to look out for:

Difficulty Getting Up And Down

When Fluffy is a kitten, she’ll be quite active and lithe, and can easily jump from the floor to the back of your chair. However, as age sets in, she’ll become less bouncy. If arthritis sets in, you may notice your furry buddy having trouble jumping onto your couch or bed.


Arthritis can have a serious impact on your cute pet’s mobility. Fluffy may look stiff, especially when she is first getting up or down. She may also start limping, especially when she first gets up.

Problems Going Up And Down Stairs

Stairs can be challenging for our feline pals. Many stairs are actually taller than Fluffy if you think about it! You may notice your cat really struggling to get from one floor to another.


With arthritic cats, sometimes one area or joint is affected more than others. Fluffy may react if you touch a sensitive area. She may also withdraw, flinch, move away, or even bite or hiss.


Joint pain can seriously interfere with Fluffy’s mood, and can turn her from a cuddly, purring, snuggle bug to a hissing ball of fury. If your feline buddy is acting unusually aggressive, arthritis may be the reason.

Lack of Interest In Play

Fluffy is very playful, which is always a delight to watch. However, joint pain can take away those frisky kitty antics we all love.

Unkempt Fur

Cats with arthritis are likely to have trouble stretching and bending to groom themselves. Fluffy may start looking a bit unkempt. (Tip: groom your furry pal gently, using a soft brush.)

Sleeping More Than Usual

It may be hard to spot this one, given that cats spend so much time sleeping. However, mention it to your vet if Fluffy seems even drowsier than usual.

Keep in mind that many of these symptoms can be related to other medical issues. Contact your vet in Fox Lake, IL if you notice any of these red flags in your kitty, it could be a sign of arthritis or another age-related condition. For more information on what to watch for in older cats, check out our article on Senior Cat Symptoms That Need Your Attention. Contact your vet in Fox Lake, IL if you have concerns.