Spring is finally in the air! As with any season, springtime brings with it a few pet hazards to be aware of. Here, your McHenry, IL veterinarian tells you how to keep your animal companion safe.
Outdoor Pests
This is the time of year that pests like fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and parasitic worms like to come out of hiding and latch on to our pets. Since these critters can cause dangerous infestations and carry harmful diseases, it’s important that your pet is wearing a preventative to protect against them. If your pet needs this essential preventative measure, make an appointment at your vet’s office right away.
Pesticides, Herbicides, Fertilizer
Sometimes, the products we use to fight off springtime pests are just as dangerous as the pests themselves! Make sure your pet can’t gain access to pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides, and the like—such items can poison our animal companions easily. Also make sure that your pet doesn’t come into contact with plants or grass recently treated with fertilizer or herbicides, and store these products in your garage or shed where pets won’t be able to reach them.
Cleaning Products
Planning on doing some spring cleaning this season? Remember that various cleaning products, from disinfectants and glass cleaner to furniture polish, solvents, and air fresheners, can harm a pet who decides to ingest them. Keep your supply closet closed tight when you’re not using the items inside. When cleaning with potentially harmful chemicals, keep your pet elsewhere until all fumes have dissipated.
Your pet can suffer from springtime allergies the same way that you can. Allergens like pollen, dust, mold, dirt, dander, and more can affect our dogs and cats. If you see your pet scratching themselves or sniffling and sneezing more than usual as spring rolls on, allergies could be to blame. You’ll want to set up an appointment at your vet’s office promptly so that your pet can be examined. If necessary, allergy medications can be prescribed.
Open Windows
It sure is nice to open some windows and let the warmer spring breeze in. Just make sure all of your windows are outfitted with sturdy screens. It’s far too easy for pets—particularly our feline friends—who are lounging by an open window to slip and fall, potentially injuring themselves seriously.
Do you have more questions about keeping your pet safe this spring? Call your vet in McHenry, IL.