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Reasons to Be Thankful for Cats

November 15 2018

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Although it’s always great to enjoy some of that delicious seasonal food, it’s important to remember the true meaning of the holiday: gratitude. Cats are definitely pretty high on the list of things that we are thankful for. Read on as a local McHenry, IL vet lists some reasons to be grateful for our feline pals.

They’re Clean

One of the best things about cats is the fact that they are so clean. While you can bathe your kitty if you want to, for the most part, Fluffy can take care of her own fur. In fact, your furball could spend hours each day grooming herself!

They’re Easy Keepers

Another reason to love kitties? Fluffy will discretely do her business in her litterbox. You never have to worry about rushing home to walk your cat. This also makes it possible to leave your pet alone overnight if need be, as long as she has food, water, and climate control.

They’re Adorable

It’s hard to talk about our feline pals without mentioning how cute they are. Those furry faces, adorable meows, and charming quirks have a way of melting our hearts. Actually, engaging in playful activities with your cat can enhance these delightful moments. For more insights, check out 7 Great Reasons to Play With Your Cat. We’re pretty sure that cats know we think they’re adorable, and use it to their advantage, but that’s beside the point.

They’re Hilarious

As the old saying says, laughter is the best medicine. Cats certainly have a special way of making us chuckle. Whether Fluffy is enjoying the silly burst of energy she gets from catnip, sleeping in an odd space, meowing at you in a funny way, or sometimes just lounging about, she’s always entertaining.

They’re Professional Cuddlers

Kitties are very curious little furballs. They are quite independent and fierce hunters in the wild, and can get by on their own. However, many of our feline friends are quite lovable, and want nothing more than to snuggle up in their humans’ laps. Fluffy’s soothing purr may actually have some special properties. As it turns out, that little motor runs at between 25 and 150 Hertz. These frequencies have been shown to promote tissue healing and improve bone density. In fact, these exact same frequencies are used in physical therapy!

Happy Thanksgiving! Please reach out to us, your local McHenry, IL vet clinic, for all of your cat’s veterinary care needs. We are always here to help!