Rabbits are adorable and fun pets, and they definitely have some devoted fans. This can be a dangerous time of year for Floppy, so you’ll want to take some precautions to keep your furry friend safe. A McHenry, IL vet lists some holiday hazards for bunnies below.
Rabbits have open-rooted teeth, and they love to chew on, well, pretty much anything they can get their paws on. Plants are one concern. Poinsettias, holly, mistletoe, laurels, and Christmas roses are all poisonous to bunnies. Keep both real and plastic plants in a spot your furball can’t reach.
Bunnies are both happier and healthier living indoors. If Floppy does have an outside enclosure, make sure it’s heated and insulated.
If you get a real tree, be sure to cover the water bowl. It may contain residue from fertilizers and pesticides. Plus, tinsels, ribbons, and garlands can all choke pets, and can cause serious—and potentially life-threatening—intestinal blockages if ingested. Glass ornaments are also a concern, as they can break into sharp pieces that can seriously injure your bunny. You may want to use a puppy gate to keep Floppy away from the tree. Or, just keep her out of that room entirely.
Electrical Cords
Floppy could seriously injure herself if she chews on a live wire! Make sure your fuzzy friend can’t reach the cords for lights or other decorations that you plug in.
Never leave Floppy unattended in a room with lit candles. It’s best to keep candles in high, secure spots your bunny can’t reach. Also, make sure that your furry little pal can’t reach potpourri burners, space heaters, or fireplaces.
Many popular foods are toxic to rabbits. It’s fine to give your pet a treat, but stick to things you know are safe. As you may know, Floppy has a sweet tooth. Many fruits are fine, but don’t give your rabbit any cookies or chocolate. Remember, bunnies can’t throw up, so gastrointestinal issues can be very painful and dangerous for them. Ask your vet about safe and unsafe foods.
Bunnies are very emotional, and can get quite stressed out by noise and commotion. If you’re having company, you may want to bunnyproof a quiet back room and put your little buddy in there.
Happy Holidays! Please contact us, your McHenry, IL vet clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!