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Keeping Your Cat Healthy

February 1 2020

February is National Cat Health Month! Our feline friends are very independent, and are quite easy to care for. However, Fluffy isn’t as invincible as she wants us to think. Just like any other animal, cats can be afflicted by illness or disease. They also have a habit of getting into mischief! Regular check-ups, including veterinary diagnostics, can help catch potential health issues early. A local Fox Lake, IL vet lists some ways to keep your kitty healthy in this article.

Good Food

Nutrition is one of the main cornerstones of any good pet care routine. Offer Fluffy a high-quality, life-stage food. Of course, you don’t want to overfeed your furry friend. If your kitty becomes obese, she’ll face some very serious health issues! Follow your vet’s recommendations.

Keep Kitty In

Your feline pal may love outdoor kitty sports, like chasing moths and walking all over your car. However, she’s really better off staying indoors, where she is safe from things like traffic, weather, and predators. Keep Fluffy safe and sound inside.

Veterinary Care

Fluffy would probably rather take a nap than come visit us, but she will both look and feel better with proper care. Your furball should be spayed or neutered, and kept current on vaccinations, exams, and parasite control. At home, pay attention to your kitty’s appearance and behavior. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, call your vet. For tips on managing the costs associated with pet care, check out our article on Saving Money on Your Pet’s Care.


Microchipping will only take a moment, but it’s one of the best things you can do for Fluffy. If your cat ever gets lost, that tiny chip will greatly increase the odds of her coming home again!

Pet proofing

Cats are both inquisitive and playful. They also see themselves as fierce predators. This can be a dangerous mix! Make your home safe for your frisky pet by doing some basic petproofing. Some of the things you’ll want to address include toxic plants, chemicals, medication, and anything small or sharp.


Your cat’s mental and emotional health also play huge roles in her overall well-being. Pay lots of attention to your feline buddy, and keep her happy and comfortable. Talk to your pet, play with her, and offer lots of cuddles and attention. You’ll also want to make sure Fluffy has basic kitty comforts, like soft beds, fun toys, and a good window view.

Please reach out to us, your Fox Lake, IL vet clinic, for all of your cat’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!