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Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

December 1 2020

Have you had your dog’s teeth checked lately? If not, you may want to rectify that. Keeping your furry friend’s mouth healthy is extremely important to his health and well-being! A local Fox Lake, IL vet offers a few tips on this below.


Brushing serves the same purposes for dogs as it does for people: it cleans the teeth, kills bad bacteria, and removes food particles, which will in turn reduce plaque and tartar buildup. Of course, you’ll need to take some time to get your canine buddy used to the process. Start by gently rubbing Fido’s teeth and gums with your finger. Then, you can slowly start to incorporate doggy toothpaste and a pet toothbrush. For more detailed guidance on brushing and maintaining your dog’s dental health, read our Pet Dental Health Tips. Incorporate toys, treats, and praise to sweeten the deal a bit.


Your four-legged pal should have his choppers examined regularly. This should start around the time that your pup is about a year old. You’ll also need to schedule an exam if your pooch shows any signs of dental trouble at home. Some things to look for include bad breath, excessive drool, bloody streaks on dishes and playthings, changes in eating habits, shying, swelling, and tartar buildup. Of course, the objective when treating dental issues isn’t to give your furry buddy a perfect smile: it’s to prevent or correct dental issues that can cause pain and/or contribute to other health issues. For specialized care, consider our veterinary dentistry services.

Doggy Dental Products

If your canine companion doesn’t like having his teeth brushed, don’t worry. You can still promote good oral health by giving him dental-formula treats, kibble, and chews. Ask your vet for more information.


Keeping your dog properly hydrated is crucial for many reasons. It also helps promote good oral health! If your canine friend’s mouth is too dry, his gums may become inflamed, and tartar may also build up more quickly.

Chew Toys

Did you know that chewing is good for your cute pet’s teeth? It can help stimulate the flow of saliva, which will rinse away food particles and help prevent the formation of plaque and tartar. It also keeps Fido’s jaws strong. Of course, the key here is to make sure that you are providing suitable chew toys. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Please contact us, your local Fox Lake, IL veterinary clinic, if you have questions or concerns about caring for your dog’s teeth. We’re here to help!