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Preventing Kitty Boredom

August 15 2017

When it comes to cat care, boredom may not immediately come to mind as something to be very concerned about. After all, kitties seem to really enjoy doing as little as possible. However, our feline friends actually can feel unhappy and stressed out without suitable entertainment options. Making sure your feline pal is getting enough mental stimulation is very important! If you’re unsure whether your cat is experiencing boredom, check out our article on Is Your Cat Bored? for more information. Read on as a McHenry, IL vet lists some great ways to prevent kitty boredom.

Kitty Entertainment

A window seat can be a great source of entertainment for cats, and is a wonderful way to keep Fluffy’s little motor going. Give your feline pal a comfy spot where she can relax, soak up some sun, and spy on birds and squirrels. (Tip: you get bonus purrs if you put a birdfeeder in your furball’s line of sight.)


Cats all have their own unique purrsonalities and opinions. Give your kitty a variety of toys to pick from, and watch what she prefers. Some felines go for toys that squeak, while others are more interested in catnip. You can also offer Fluffy a robotic mouse, catnip bubbles, or an automated laser pointer.


We all know that playing is really fun for cats, but did you also know that it’s also good for them? Pouncing and jumping are wonderful for kitties physically, and can help keep them in shape. Playtime also offers your pet beneficial mental stimulation. After all, our feline pals have to concentrate to time their pounces just right! This is great for Fluffy’s mind, especially as she ages.

Kitty Garden

Set out some pet-safe plants for Fluffy to nibble on and hide behind. You will find a full list of non-toxic plants at the ASPCA website.

Soothing Sounds

When you go to work, leave a radio or TV on for Fluffy. This can also soothe her, and keep her from feeling lonely.

Pet Furniture

Get your furball a few pieces of kitty furniture. Choose things keep Fluffy active by encouraging her to climb and jump. Cat towers are a great option. Kitties also like having places to explore, like pet tents and condos. If you have a small space, opt for wall-mounted furniture. This is great option for cats that love heights!

Please contact us, your local McHenry, IL animal clinic, for all of your cat’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help! Our comprehensive veterinary services include wellness check-ups, behavioral consultations, and more to ensure your feline friend stays healthy and happy.