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Pet Toxins Already in Your Home or Apartment

May 1 2017

No matter how conscientious you are about your pet’s safety, you just can’t help having a few hazards in your home or apartment. The trick is being aware of them so that you can keep your pet from harm! Learn more below from a McHenry, IL veterinarian:

Toxic Foods

Your kitchen is home to plenty of foods that pets shouldn’t have, including onions, garlic, grapes and raisins, chives, leeks, scallions, shallots, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, candy, gum, salty items, fatty foods, macadamia nuts, avocado, and more. Don’t leave harmful foods out on kitchen countertops where pets may be able to swipe them down, and keep Fido or Fluffy out of the kitchen during meal preparation.

Human Medicine

Prescription pills, cough syrup, aspirin, antidepressants… the list of potentially harmful human medicines for pets goes on and on. It’s very important that your pet can’t gain access to your medicine cabinet, since some animals may be able to chew right through plastic bottle caps to get at the medication inside. Keep that cabinet sealed up tight at all times!


It’s common for us to set up pesticides or rodenticides around our homes to ward off intruding insects or small mammals, especially during the colder months when these pests seek warmth. Keep in mind that such products are poisonous, and can harm our companion animals just as easily as pesky critters! Place pesticides carefully, and ask your vet if he or she has any recommendations on non-toxic alternatives.

Cleaning Chemicals

Plenty of cleaning supplies—everything from household disinfectants and furniture polish to toilet-bowl cleaner and air fresheners—can harm a pet who manages to ingest enough. Just about every cleaning product contains at least one harmful ingredient! It’s best to keep your pet far out of reach of the supply closet, and keep your animal friend elsewhere when cleaning with chemicals.

Poisonous Plants

There is a long list of harmful plants and flowers that our pets shouldn’t come into contact with, including dieffenbachia, elephant ear, several species of aloe plants, lilies, daffodils, tulips, ivy, oleander, poinsettia plants, rhododendron/azalea, and much more. For a more comprehensive guide, check out our article on Common Garden Plants That Are Toxic to Pets. Peruse the ASPCA’s website for a complete list of toxic and non-toxic plants, and ask your veterinarian about what sort of plant life is a particular hazard in your area.

Does your pet need veterinary attention? Wondering about other potential hazards already in your home? Contact your McHenry, IL veterinary clinic today! Our comprehensive veterinary services include emergency care, toxicology consultations, and preventive health measures to keep your pet safe from household hazards.